Ayasofyalı Abdurrahmân Hilmî Efendi
Hafiz Osman's School in the six scripts
About Artist
Abdurrahman Hilmi Efendi, a disciple of Eğrikapılı Mehmed Rasim Efendi, resided at the Hagia Sophia Madrasa. He led a reclusive life there, dedicating his time to calligraphy and instructing those who sought his tutelage in the art. Renowned as one of the preeminent calligraphers of his era, Abdurrahman Hilmi Efendi was celebrated for his moral integrity and honesty. He passed away on 11 Ramadan 1220 AH (3 December 1805 AD) and was interred in the Karacaahmet Cemetery, near the grave of Sheikh Hamdullah.
Ketebe.org İsmail Orman
Antalya Müzesi’nde H. 1205/M. 1790-1791 tarihli Kur‘an-ı Kerîm’i, özel koleksiyonda da H. 1219/M. 1804 tarihli celi sülüs levhâsı mevcut olup sülüs ve nesihteki mahâretine işâret etmektedir.
Hâlen kırık durumda olan mezartaşının okunabilen kısmının metni şöyledir:
Hâzâ kabrehü merhûm ve mağfûrü’l-muhtâc ilâ rahmet-i rabbihi’l-gafûr Ayasofyay-ı Kebîr Medresesi’nde kâ’in üstâd-ı kâmil hattat Abdu’r-rahmân Hilmî....