Jamal Amasy
About Artist
He was born in Amasya, the son and student of the calligrapher Jalal Amâsî. His real name was Mehmed Jamâleddîn. There is no information about his life except that he lived for about eighty years and died in the same place at the end of the reign of Sultan Bayazid II. Jamâl Amâsî, who learned the six calligraphic scripts from his father Jalâl Amâsî and received his license, continued his father's style in his own unique way throughout his life, and together with his brother Jalâlzâde Muhyiddîn Efendi, Sheikh Hamdullah, and Abdullah Amâsî, who were his contemporaries, he rendered great service to the development of Ottoman calligraphy.
Ketebe.org İsmail Orman
Temsil ettiği üslûb, dayızâdesi olan Şeyh Hamdullah’ın geliştirmiş olduğu üslûb karşısında tutunamamıştır. Öte yandan Türk ve İslâm Eserleri Müzesi’nde bulunan H. 913/H. 1507 tarihli mushâf-ı şerîfi(nr. 97), son zamanlarında nesihte Şeyh Hamdullah’ın izlerini taşıyan kendine has bir tavır geliştirmiş olduğunu göstermektedir.