İsmail Müfîd
Hafiz Osman's School in the six scripts
About Artist
He was born in 1132 AH / 1720 AD as the son of Ali Efendi, an attar (perfumer) in Davudpaşa. He received an extraordinary education from private tutors such as Kudsî Efendi, Akkirmânî Mehmed Efendi, and Konevî İsmâ’il Efendi. Initially, he studied thuluth and naskh scripts under Kirişçi Yahya Efendi and later under İbrahim Nâmık Efendi, from whom he received his ijazah. To further his education, he benefited greatly from Eğrikapılı Mehmed Râsim Efendi for an extended period.
He served for a while as the librarian at the Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha Library. After completing his studies in the traditional sciences, he succeeded in the examination conducted by Sheikh al-Islam Mehmed Sâlih Efendi in 1172 AH / 1758-1759 AD, joining the ranks of professor. He began teaching public lessons at Davud Paşa Mosque, spreading knowledge.
After being engaged in teaching for a long time, he joined the scholarly cadre in 1201 AH / 1786-1787 AD. In 1211 AH / 1796-1797 AD, he became the Molla of Edirne and the following year attained the post of Mecca. Finally, he became the Qadi of Üsküdar and passed away in this position on 5 Shawwal 1217 AH / 29 January 1803 AD.
Müstakimzâde Süleyman Sâdeddin, Tuhfe-i Hattatin
Sadr-ı esbak Alî Paşa bin Nûh Efendi ki, tâbhanesinde hâfız-ı kütüb olmakla şöhret-yâbdır. Kirişçi Yahyâ Efendi merhûmun pîş-i pîş-tahta-i ta’lîm ü ifâzalarından ahz-ı dekâyık-i hüsn-i hatt-ı Şeyhâne eyleyip şeref-yâb-ı icâzetleri dahi olmuştur. Sâ’ir ulûm-ı mütedâvile tahsiline dahi sa’y u gûşiş ve tarîk-i tedrise dahi bâ-imtihân ikdâm-ı reviş eyleyip bereket-i sohbet-i üstâd-ı mersûm ile meslek-i azîzân’a dahi sâlik ve nisbet-i ma’hûde-i hâcegâna mâlik olup lâzime-i zamân olan tab’-ı şi’rîleri dahi olmakla basit ü mürekkeb nazm u nesr ve sâ’ir inşâ vü şi’rde mühezzib-i gonce-i gülzâr-ı ma’ârif ve dekâyık-ı envâ’-ı fünûna vâkıf bir vücûd-ı bihbûddur. Üsküdar kadîsi olmuştur.