KETEBE Hat Sanatı, Ünlü Hattatlar, Hat Sanatkârları ve Eserleri
KETEBE Hat Sanatı, Ünlü Hattatlar, Hat Sanatkârları ve Eserleri

Jamal Bensaid

About Artist

Jamal Bensaid was born in 1966 in Rabat.
He received his certificate in jaly diwani
and diwani from late Prof. Ali Alparslan
in 2005 under the auspices of IRCICA. He
received his certificate in taliq from Belaid
Hamidi in a ceremony organized by IRCICA
in 2014. He is a founding member and vice
chairman of the Fine Arts Association of
Calligraphy and a member of the National
Committee of the Mohammed VI Maghribi
Calligraphy Award. He is working as a
calligrapher in the Ministry of the Royal
Palace in Rabat.
