Mehmed Sa’id Efendi
Hafiz Osman's School in the six scripts
About Artist
He was born in Istanbul as the son of Grand Vizier Seyyid Abdullah Pasha. Through his father's influence, he was admitted to the Enderun Imperial Palace School, where he received education and training. During this time, he studied the six scripts under Hafiz Yusuf and received his ijazah. He also learned the ta'liq script. After completing his education, he became one of the Dergâh-ı Â'lî (Imperial Court) sergeants. By marrying the daughter of Muhsinzade Mehmed Pasha, he was discharged from the palace with the rank of chief gatekeeper in 1180 AH / 1767 AD.
In 1197 AH / 1783 AD, he became steward of the gatekeepers, and in 1200 AH / 1785 AD, he was appointed as chief sergeant. However, the following year he was dismissed and appointed as the deputy chief butcher. After serving several more times in these posts, he retired and passed away on 8 Ramadan 1213 AH / 13 February 1799 AD. He is buried in the cemetery of the Ekmeleddin Sufi Lodge in the Sofular neighborhood of Aksaray.
İbnü’l-Emin Mahmud Kemal İnal, Son Hattatlar İbnülemin Mahmud Kemal İnal
Kabir taşındaki kitâbe şöyledir:[1]
Merhûm ve mağfûr, el-muhtâc ilâ rahmete rabbe’l-mağfûr
gedikliyân-ı Dergâh-ı Âlî zü’amâlarından sâbıkā Kasapbaşı vekili merhûm Hattat Mehmed Sa’id Efendi rûhu içün
el-Fâtihâ. sene 1213
Sicill-i Osmânî’de “kapucıbaşı
ve kasabbaşı vekili oldu” denmekle yetinilmişdir.
Hattat olduğunu yalnız – mezartaşı – kitâbesinden öğreniyoruz. Yazısını görmediğim içün hattatlıkdaki mertebesini bi’t-tabi bilmiyorum. İsmail Orman
Asil ve temiz huylu bir zât olduğu nakledilen Mehmed Sa’id Efendi’nin H. 1199/M. 1785 tarihli Şifâ-i Şerîf’i(A. 1694) ile H. 1215/M. 1800-1801 senesinde ta’likle istinsâh etmiş olduğu Fetavây-ı Feyzullah Efendi adlı eseriA. 2435) Ankara’daki Millî Kütüphâne’dedir.