Rizwan Ahmed Khan
About Artist
Rizwan Ahmed Khan (b. 1991) is a classically trained calligraphic artist who has been practising scribal crafts since 2015. In 2018 he decided to leave a promising career as a software professional to migrate to Istanbul and train in the Ottoman tradition of Islamic calligraphy.
He has trained in Western and Islamic calligraphy under various masters, most notably Gaynor Goffe, Soraya Syed, Ivo Grantins and Efdaluddin Kılıç. In 2022 he was awarded the prestigious icazetname (calligrapher’s licence) by his Islamic calligraphy masters at the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (İRCİCA), Istanbul.
Rizwan currently resides between London and Istanbul, practising and teaching as an artist. Both the Western and Islamic calligraphy traditions are central to Rizwan’s art, having long felt the necessity as a Muslim growing up in Britain to explore avenues that open the doors of cultural, spiritual and intellectual appreciation between the West and the Islamic world.