KETEBE Hat Sanatı, Ünlü Hattatlar, Hat Sanatkârları ve Eserleri
KETEBE Hat Sanatı, Ünlü Hattatlar, Hat Sanatkârları ve Eserleri

Selim Türkoğlu

Birth Date H. 1379-1380
M. 1960
Birth Place Kumkapı-İstanbul


About Artist

    He was born in 1960 in the Kumkapı district of Istanbul.

He started his primary education in Çağlayan. In 1969 he moved with his family to Altköy which is in his hometown, Refahiye district of Erzincan. He completed his primary and high school education in Refahiye. In 1978, he came to Istanbul to continue his education and was in the National Turkish Students Association (MTTB) for two years. Following the 1980 revolution, he fulfilled his military service at Nakkaş Tepe, Istanbul. After working as a substitute in a village in Refahiye, and then as a civil servant in a company affiliated with Sabancı Holding in Adana, he returned to İstanbul in 1987 and was involved in free accounting.

The calligraphy and calligraphy of the calligraphy was the occasion of the promotion of Calligrapher Yusuf Sezer. Afterwards, calligrapher Ali Rüştü Oran, one of the students of the late calligrapher Mustafa Halim Efendi, found and participated in the lessons of Fatih İskender Paşa Mosque. Afterwards, on the advice of his teacher, he continued to compete with calligrapher Ali Selçuk Erkurt in the Çarşamba district of Fatih. In 1990, sülüs and nesih writings took the icazet. In addition, calligrapher Ali Alparslan ine s Suleymaniye Library continued to participate in the lessons learned by participating in the lessons.

In order to pursue his art in the professional sense, he left the accounting business in 1990 and opened a calligraphy workshop and spent all his work on both his performance and spreading his art. In principle, he believed in the necessity of preserving the traditional structure of calligraphy and in every way he did not compromise his belief. It was against all kinds of activities that contradicted the spirit of art.


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Ali Rüştü Oran
Ali Selçuk Erkurt
Ali Alparslan