Seyyid Ebûbekir Efendi
Hafiz Osman's School in the six scripts
About Artist
Although he was from Istanbul, there is no information about his lineage. During his education, he studied thuluth and naskh scripts under his uncle Derviş Ahmed Efendi and received his ijazah. After graduating, he became one of the attendants of the Bâb-ı Kazaskerî-i Rumeli and, after many years of service, was admitted to the ranks of the hajagan and appointed to the Imperial Printing House.
Later, Ebûbekir Efendi also became the Superintendent of the Palace Kitchen. After his dismissal, he withdrew from state service and retreated to the Ağaçayırı Sufi Lodge in Fatih, affiliated with the Qadiriyya Order, to which he was a devotee. After receiving the caliphate, he was appointed as the sheikh. While engaged in spiritual guidance and dhikr, he passed away in 1219 AH / 1804 AD and was buried in the cemetery of the aforementioned sufi lodge. İsmail Orman
Ankara’daki Millî Kütüphâne’de H. 1213/M. 1798-1799 tarihli İlm-i Hâl adlı eseri bulunan Ebûbekir Efendi, hattatlığının yanısıra tirendâzlıkda da hayret verici şekilde mâhir idi. Nitekim H. 1183/M. 1769-1770 senesinde 1011 geze ok atarak menzil taşı diktirdiği, ancak bu menzil daha sonra bozulunca yeni bir menzil alma arzusuyla H. 1203/M. 1788-1789’da yeniden kemâna sarıldığı, ama ihtiyârlığı nedeniyle muvaffâk olamadığı kemânkeş tezkîrelerinde mukayyeddir.
Müstakimzâde Süleyman Sâdeddin, Tuhfe-i Hattatin
Dervîş Ahmed Efendi’den sülüs ü neshi ta’allüm ü telemmüz ve menâsıb-ı Devlet-i Aliyye’den matbah emânetiyle dahi telezzüz eylemiştir. Üstâd-ı kemânkeş ve hattât-ı dilkeştir.