Seyyid Mehmed Sa'id Bey
Rif‘atHafiz Osman's School in the six scripts
About Artist
Born in Istanbul, he was the son of Grand Vizier Bolulu İzzet Mehmed Pasha and a descendant of Rum Mehmed Pasha. He received an exceptional education and upbringing in his father's household and studied the six scripts under İbrahim Nazîf Efendi, from whom he obtained his ijazah (certificate of proficiency). After completing his education, he became a clerk in one of the imperial chanceries and acquired the pen name "Rif‘at."
Upon his father's appointment as Grand Vizier in 1189 AH (1775 AD), he first became the second master of the imperial stable and then the chief doorkeeper. Subsequently, he served four times as the steward of the doorkeepers and three times as the first master of the imperial stable. In 1226 AH (1811 AD), while serving in this position, he was sent to the imperial army to receive the imperial seal from Grand Vizier Yusuf Ziyâ Pasha. However, after receiving the seal, he fell ill and passed away there. His body was later transported to Istanbul, but the exact location of his burial remains unknown.
İbnü’l-Emin Mahmud Kemal İnal, Son Hattatlar s. 348-349
Mukāddemâ Mercan Yangını’nda yanub yıllarca metrûk olduğu hâlde son senelerde erbâb-ı hayrın
himmet-i diyânet-kârânesi ile ta’mir ve ihyâ edilen Alî Paşa Cami’nin
pencerelerinden birinin iç tarafında, duvara dayalı bir tahta üstüne
yapışdırılmış kâğadda güzel sülüs celîsi ile
Lâ ilâhe illallah Muhammedü’r-rüsûlullah
Ketebehü’l-zünûb Mehmed Sa’id İzzet Paşazâde 1215[1800]
yazılı bir levhâ gördüm idi. Mü’ahhâren oradan kaldırılmışdır. Caminin imâmından sordum, dolapda mahfûz olduğunu söyledi.