İbrahim Afîf Efendi
HâceHafiz Osman's School in the six scripts
About Artist
He was a native of Istanbul. Having been trained in the imperial chancery, he attained the rank of haja (master) and became the Steward's Secretary. From 1210 AH (1795 AD) to 1213 AH (1798 AD), he served as the Ottoman Ambassador to Austria, residing in Vienna. Upon his return, he was first appointed as the Secretary of Artillery, and subsequently, in 1221 AH (1806 AD), he assumed the position of Accountant of Anatolia. In 1223 AH (1808 AD), he was elevated to the office of Keeper of the Registers. Although he was appointed to the position of the Imperial Chamberlain on 2 Muharram 1224 AH (15 February 1809 AD), he unexpectedly passed away on 12 Jumada al-Awwal (30 May) of the same year. He was interred near the Küçük Emir Dervish Lodge in Eyüp.
Ketebe.org İsmail Orman
Bilhassa resmi kitabette son derece mahir olduğu bilinen İbrahim Afif Efendi’nin yazısının letafeti meşhur idi. Ancak hüsn-i hattı kimden meşkettiği bilinmemektedir. Yazıya fazlaca mesai ayırmamış olduğundan elde eseri yoktur. Oğlu Mehmed Şermi Efendi’ye sülüs ve nesihten icazet vermiştir.